
InnovCare, increasing the wellbeing of our elders

The main objective of InnovCare is to extend the autonomy of elders, improving at the same time their mental, emotional and physic wellbeing through a platform.

EU population, as in other regions in the world, lives longer and with better health. Since 1960, live expectancy has been increased in eight years, and the demographic projections forecast a new 5 years increase within the next forty years. The aforementioned fact jointly with the low birth rates are provoking a severe ageing of the European population. In this sense, it is expected the highest increase during the period 2015-2035, when baby boomers generation starts to retire.

Within this context is InnovCare “Open ICT platforms and technologies to reduce and prevent the social and economic impact of elders care”, the project has been developed by 8 companies from 4 different countries: Spain (Wellness Telecom (Consortium Coordinator), ISOIN, and Taniwa), Israel (LifeOnKey), Norway (Seniornett), and Netherlands (Brevidius, Kempen Life and SmartHomes). The main objective of InnovCare is to extend the autonomy of elders, improving at the same time their mental, emotional and physic wellbeing through a platform which integrates different solutions and services in the health field.

Thus, InnovCare gathers information from different sources among them: the clinical story of the user, the health parameters measured through wearable technology, and the periodic neurological control through a mobile app. Additionally, the solution allows the direct communication between users and caregivers or health professionals.

In this sense, InnovCare was tested in a real environment with users since September 2018 to January 2019 in three countries (Israel, Netherlands and Norway) being the main user groups addressed during the trials: relatively healthy seniors and seniors suffering from MCI (Mild Cognitive Impairment).

The project is framed within the AAL programme (Active Assisted Living Programme), being its main purpose the improvement of the quality of life of the elders through the development of innovative solutions based on IT. InnovCare was officially closed the past January 31st with the assessment of the Field Trials results carried out since September to January.

Thanks to the experience gained during the project, the different commercial solutions implemented in the project will be launched to the market applying a new set of improvements based on the testing of the final prototype of InnovCare by real users which will ease their competitiveness within the eHealth market.