Quality, Environment, Information Security and Service Management Policy

Wellness Telecom Ltd.’s mission is to offer our clients the best solutions and products, simplifying and automating the administration and operations by integrating our technology into the state-of-the-art cybernetic systems and devices, as well as offering services with guarantees in information security, ensuring highest protection of data entrusted to the organization.

Through the standards set out in this policy, the management of Wellness Telecom Ltd. shows its commitment to ensuring the highest quality in its products and services, to protect the environment, and to guarantee IS when carrying out its services, as well to comply with all applicable legal requirements and any other requirements that the organization subscribes to, including the safety of its employees and the people working on its behalf.


The quality of Wellness Telecom Ltd.‘s products and services, as well as customer satisfaction, is an essential ongoing objective of the highest priority. The client must view Wellness Telecom Ltd. as a guarantee of success, quality, and a job well done. One of the goals of Wellness Telecom Ltd. is to ensure that services are aligned with the needs of its customers and users.

  • Establish effective channels of communication and collaboration with customers and other technology agents to define expectations and resolve needs, providing them with the best possible products and services and inquiring about their level of satisfaction.
  • Design new products and services in a multidisciplinary way via innovation and development, and as a base for the company’s growth and development.
  • Seek excellence and continuous improvement in quality and environmental awareness by identifying opportunities and directing efforts to control and correct irregularities and prevent their causes. The establishment of Annual Objectives and resource allocation (both technical, material, and human) will help guarantee continuous improvement and desired quality levels.
  • Promote continuous human resource training, as providing high quality services first requires highly qualified and motivated personnel that is committed to the company’s mission and values. Personnel should be technically competent and duly trained to carry out tasks in line with required quality guarantees.
  • Promote environmental protection with a focus on the reasonable use of resources, particularly electric power, as this is the most significant environmental impact of the company’s activities (both from its own staff and subcontractors), and always within applicable legal frameworks.
  • Foster customer trust in terms of the security of the services and products offered.
  • Establish a high level of commitment to customers, investing ourselves in the provided solutions and their control and monitoring.
  • Offer highly reliable products and services, minimizing potential problems.
  • Guarantee data security both internally and from our clients, safeguarding three fundamental aspects: the integrity, availability and confidentiality of deposited data.
  • Provide material resources that are appropriate for the given production process and in accordance with the precision required.
  • Establish necessary measures to study, prevent and eliminate factors that may negatively impact service management, whenever possible.
  • Improve communication between the personnel providing services and the customers and users receiving said services.
  • Improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the internal processes for the provision of services.

Management ensures that these commitments are present in the organization’s objectives and strategies, and will be understood, applied, and consistently updated at all levels of the organization.

This Policy is available to all external stakeholders of Wellness Telecom Ltd.

Seville, September 2, 2019

SGD: David García Ternero, CEO